Welcome to our family's journey!

Love God, serve God: everything is in that. -- St. Clare of Assisi

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Challenge Day 11

This picture is bittersweet for me. While I couldn't be a prouder mom, I wonder where in the heck the time has gone. You see, my sweet boy turns ten this week. How is that happening??? It seems like just yesterday that I was walking the mall, eating Mexican food, and other things trying to coax him out of my body. Just like he does today, he came in his own time--thirteen days late! He ate ALL THE TIME and never really liked sleeping, but he and I made quite a pair in those days. He opened my heart to a kind of love I never knew was possible. He has grown into a sweet, kind, and loving young man. He truly enjoys spending time with his little sister and his sometimes uncool parents. And he is so funny and talented. The boy can draw anything! I'm having a hard time getting used to the fact that he's hitting the double digits and doesn't want toys for his birthday anymore. So while I did break down and buy the music CD and video game he wanted, I did so with a heavy heart. My little baby boy is all grown up and I'm not sure I'm ready for that! ;) Happy birthday, RP! I love you more than you will ever know!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Challenge Day 10

Here is a picture that makes me smile...

Em was in love with Holly Hobby leading up to her fifth birthday, which I loved since I'm a Holly Hobby girl myself. So she asked for all of the character dolls that year. I figured she'd be happy when she opened her Carrie Baker doll, but I never dreamed she'd have such an overwhelming reaction! This picture, for me, is an honest depiction of pure joy. It reminds me that it doesn't take thousands of dollars or lots of bells and whistles to make someone happy. In this case, it only took a mom and dad listening to the wishes of a hopeful child dreaming of a collection of dolls. And for that one moment, I felt like the world's best mom simply because Em was so absolutely appreciative of a small token of our love for her. What a precious, precious angel! ;)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Challenge Day 9

This is my dream home. For the record, it is Southern Living's "An Acadian Classic" designed by Ben Patterson. Being from the south, I grew up loving a great porch. I know, in Kansas, everyone has a patio. That's fine, but there's just nothing like a big 'ol porch. Of course, this house would have to be sitting on the edge of a lake, any lake. And a three-car garage is a must since we have the boat, unless there's a dock out back. ;) I would love a big kitchen with a huge breakfast bar and an open floor plan. And my master bath must include a huge soaking tub with a separate shower.

So I certainly have a picture of what my dream house would look like, but there are things that I just couldn't live without. For instance, the remnants of Kelly's morning shave in the bathroom sink. Being without those would mean being without my best friend and lover. And I definitely couldn't live without the pile of shoes at the front door because if those were missing, then the three reasons I get up in the morning would also be missing. What would I do without all the headbands and bows found in the kitchen, living room, bathroom, my purse, etc.? The absence of the million hair things would sadly mean the absence of the angel in my life. And I would certainly miss the light of my life if his Bakugan figures and aliens were missing from the house.

So you see, we all have a wonderful picture of what the perfect home would be for us. But the more I think about it, the more my picture evolves from a structure to keep me dry in a rainstorm to a warm, inviting oasis full of those who will unconditionally love me and truly shelter me from the storms of life. So if I have to fold a zillion loads of laundry or wash dishes night and day, so be it. Because I will be surrounded by those I love and that love me back. Thank God!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Challenge Day 8

"There is an appointed time for everything, and a time for every affair under the heavens.
A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to uproot the plant.
A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to tear down, and a time to build.
A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance.
A time to scatter stones, and a time to gather them; a time to embrace, and a time to be far from embraces.
A time to seek, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away.
A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to be silent, and a time to speak.
A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace."
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

Today is my favorite quote. This book was written to to explore the value and purpose of human life. And when I read this short excerpt from the third chapter, which I do a lot, I am always left with an overwhelming sense of awe--awe in the fact that our almighty God has his fingerprint on every single act on this earth. A time to be born? That's easy. Holding my babies was one of the most holy moments of my life. Who else but God could produce such magnificent creatures? A time to die? One of my fondest memories as a child is also one of my saddest. The summer we lost my Mama Breaux, my mom and dad and I moved into my grandparents' house and spend every moment together, taking care of her as the cancer slowly took her from us. But what a beautiful testament to the love of family and the grace of God that we were able to spend that time together and watch as she showed us the dignity of a faith-filled death!

A time to weep? Who of us hasn't had one of those moments when we can do nothing but cry out to God for help or comfort? When I was struggling with post-partum depression, nothing could comfort me like my prayers. There's just something soothing and calming and uplifting about calling for Jesus when no one else can help. A time to laugh? Hopefully, you all have one special friend who is always there for you when you need to laugh. If you don't--run out right now and find one! For me, that friend is my sister, Katie. We can talk and laugh about anything. When we're messaging on Facebook, I literally LOL all the time. And when we're together, there's no lull in the conversation. It's always a fun, funny trip down memory lane or a sharing of hilarious life stories.

A time to mourn? I've mourned many times in my life. Of course, I've mourned many special people--Mama and Papa Breaux, Papa Vincent, my precious friend, Jo, Sr. Marietta, and many more. But unfortunately, as a flawed human, I have also mourned things in my life. Yes, I've thought my life was over when my hard drive died. And I've cried foul with God when Kelly lost his job. But even in those moments, God sent gentle reminders that he is charge of the big picture and I shouldn't get flustered with the details.

A time to dance? Yes, please! This has to be my favorite part. Of course, we should all remember the famous scene in Footloose where Kevin Bacon uses this quote to try and sway the town council to have a high school dance. Brilliant! This also makes me think of our days as youth ministers, participating in Mass at conventions with the liturgical dancers preparing the altar for the Eucharistic sacrifice. And my mind can't help but replay all those dance classes and dance recitals and dance camps over the years. I love a lot of things in my life, but I truly love dancing! My first dance recital routine was to Mickey by Toni Basil. I still remember my costume--blue and gold stripes, leg warmers, and pom-poms. One of the best days of my life! ;) Then there was my senior year when I was captain of our high school dance team. I could stand in my living room right now and still do our routine to the fight song. And who could forget the Longhorn? A short trip over the border to Louisiana was my ticket to all-night dancing. Line dancing, hip-hop, and the ever popular two-step. It didn't matter which one as long as I was dancing. I spent many, many hours dancing the night away. I still find myself getting my groove on. Just today, I was dancing to Prince in the car and to Run DMC while I was making dinner. It's tricky...tricky, tricky, tricky, tricky. Can't take the dancer out of the girl!

Back to Ecclesiastes...through all the bumps in the road of life, I feel blessed to know that God is there at every turn. He has laid out the plan for my life, and it's my job to follow in Christ's footsteps and not worry about the small stuff because He has it all under control. Amen!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Challenge Day 7

Well, I took the weekend off since I spent the day on Saturday at the Jewish temple for my class and spent Sunday simply relaxing with the family. Today I am sharing a picture of myself and the person I've been the closest to for the longest time. So here she is:

My mom! For as long as I can remember, she is the one person who has always been there for me...no matter what. She has sacrificed so much for me, there is no way that I could possibly repay her. When I was afraid of the Wicked Witch of the West, she'd let me snuggle up on the couch with her and hold me until the witch melted. When I wanted to dance (A LOT!), she drove me from practice to practice and sewed costume after costume, without complaint. Okay, maybe she complained once or twice, but she still sewed sequins until her hands wanted to fall off! And when I came home with the man of my dreams, she filled his stomach with her delicious Cajun cooking and his life with her unconditional love.

There has never been a time when I didn't know that my mom loved me. From the beginning of my days until this very day, she always makes me feel like I'm her favorite, even though I know I have to share her with my three sisters. But that's the beauty of her...she makes everyone she encounters feel important, special, and loved. So Mom, this blog is for you, in honor of every bandaid you applied, every tear you wiped away, and every encouraging word you ever spoke. I love you!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Challenge Day 6

So today will probably be the most difficult day of the challenge for me since I'm supposed to share with you my favorite book. What? There is no way in the world that I can narrow it down to one, but I will share with you a genre that I enjoy. I love reading books that look to the future or a world where "big brother" is in charge of daily life, such as 1984 by George Orwell or Brave New World by Aldous Huxley or even Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. But the teacher in me leads me to choose The Giver by Lois Lowry. It is the story of twelve-year-old Jonas who is growing up in a world of no feelings, no choices, and no spontaneity. He is chosen to be the the Receiver of Memories for his community. During his training with the Giver, he learns the truth about his utopian existence. I won't give away the whole story, but I definitely recommend that you load it onto your Kindle and start reading ASAP. It is a wonderful exploration of what people may do to simply keep the peace and also a poignant look at whether such a sacrifice is worth it or not. Happy reading!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Challenge Day 5

I'm supposed to tell you about my favorite TV show today. So here I go....

Season one or eight, I don't care. Desserts or masters, it doesn't matter. I LOVE THIS SHOW! I will always be watching on Wednesday evenings at 9 p.m. Besides the fact that I live to eat, it seems like I come away from each episode with a new trick to try in the kitchen or an idea for a interesting dish. And if they can produce a gourmet, well-presented, and tasty dish in thirty-five minutes in some episodes, then there is certainly hope for me to produce a semi-gourmet, put-on-a-plate, and pretty tasty dish in an hour or so. I can't imagine the pressure they are under trying to come up with new and exciting recipes on the spot, but I thoroughly enjoy watching them do it. Popcorn ceviche in thirty minutes? No problem! Seared scallops while blindfolded? Absolutely! Shocking your noodles in the shower? You go, Hubert! Now if I could just figure out how to make dinner and have a sparkling clean kitchen when I'm done like they do on Bravo, I'd be set for life. ;)